According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention around 610,000 people die of...
Author - Mélanie J.
The Way You Hold Hands Reveals Secrets About Your Relationship
If you’ve ever been in love, you know how great it feels to walk with your...
10 Warning Signs That Your Body Is Lacking Water
Water is extremely important for your overall wellbeing and survival. In fact, water is making up...
5 Things in Your Kitchen That Can Kill Pets
There are many toxic substances in our homes that can be potentially harmful, including a plethora...
11 Things You Should Never Put In The Microwave
When you’re constantly on the run, getting things done quickly is important, especially when it...
4 tips for eating healthy meals this month
So much has been written concerning eating healthy meals and having an improved diet that sometimes...
5 Self-care Tips To Assist You Through A Stressful Week
1) Breathe like you Mean It There is a reason why respiration is so important: our livelihood...
Instead of a Massage, 9 Stretching Exercises That You Can Do
Stretching has got the ability to make your body flexible, while reducing pain and enhancing the...
The Best Sleeping Positions for Improving Your Health
Most of us spend between 6 and 8 hours asleep every night, so it makes sense that the position we...
Why You Should Stick To Healthy Meals
Most of the people tend to go out to a local restaurant and eat some junk food for dinner. However...