Think What’s Important For You!

You might have heard that revenge doesn’t help you! From outside, this might seem lit off; when someone does something bad, all you wish is to get back at them as soon as possible. Think What’s Important For You!

But once you get your revenge, you do feel better for a while, but the wound he gave isn’t healed.

This is because we don’t think what we want or what is important for us; we just take our revenge as a reflex instead of doing something which healed our wound.
This is because, as humans, we generally react without thinking much. For example, if you saw an exciting character in a movie or TV series, we want to become like them.

This applies to people of all ages and gender. This is because we humans don’t think what is important for us and just go with the flow.
What is the importance of thinking what’s important for you?

  1. You get to know your goals :
    The simple answer is that once you are aware of what is important to your life, you are then working according to it.
    For example, if you figure out that doing something for your nations is important for you, then you can find a job that helps you achieve this importance. In a nutshell, if you think hard enough, you understand your’s life goal.
  2. Live a peaceful life :
    If we know what the things that are important to us are, we can then make decisions according to it.
    Imagine, you like hanging out with your neighbors. Recently, a new neighbor shifts in. So, you have two options now, either hang out with the previous neighbor if they are still around or bond with the new neighbor. You can welcome them with flowers and invite them over for dinner. A new friendship just began. If you know what is important for you, you can take action according to it.
  3. Life is a lot clearer :
    If you know what you want in life, you can plan accordingly for it. This doesn’t make life easy, but you have an end goal in sight, and you are sure that reaching it will make you happy.
    If you know what you want in life, you can plan accordingly for it. This doesn’t make life easy, but you have an end goal in sight, and you are sure that reaching it will make you happy.
    This is a lot better than many people who are just chasing something in life, which they are not sure if they would happy about it or not. Hence, knowing what important hands you a map which is very useful in life.
    Now that we have established that thinking about the important things in life has lots of benefits.
    We need to lay a plan which tells us how to figure out what important in life.
  4. The Coin Toss :
    You probably have heard the trick that when you are stuck between two things, toss a coin. Your heart or brain will pray for a certain outcome, and it is then you know what is important for you.
    In life, when we have multiple choices, we can’t flip the coin always; in that case, we need to think about our experiences.
    It is a simple exercise, every morning when you wake up, just sit upright and think about all the memories which made you happy. Then try to reason out what made you happy in those memories, do it every day, and you will have a collection of items that made you happy.

Let me give you an example; imagine you went on a bunch of trips in your high schools. When you think about it, you will be like it was those friends that made the trip happy. But there would also be instances where you forgot about your friends and just lost on the trip, and this is when you realized that traveling is also your hobby.

Let me give you an example; imagine you went on a bunch of trips in your high schools. When you think about it, you will be like it was those friends that made the trip happy. But there would also be instances where you forgot about your friends and just lost on the trip, and this is when you realized that traveling is also your hobby.

When you are doing some work, you are more excited to do some work than others. This clearly is a sign that you like doing that work. When you think about it, you will understand that you can excel in that work. It is this when you can decide that work is what you like to do for the rest of your life.

These are just a few of the examples to guide you on how to think about the important part of your life and then shape your action according to it. This is in no way easy as you will add or remove things from the list, but that’s the process.

After a lot of trial and error, you will get to know what is important for you, and your life would be a lot easy than it was previously. So think carefully about what’s important for you.

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